Self-consistent model of field gradient driven particle aggregation in magnetic fluids

TitleSelf-consistent model of field gradient driven particle aggregation in magnetic fluids
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsO Hovorka, B Yellen, N Dan, and G Friedman
JournalJournal of Applied Physics
Pagination10Q306 - 10Q306
Date Published05/2005

Particle aggregation in magnetic colloids driven by strong magnetic field gradients is studied using self-consistent field calculations. The model takes into account field screening due to average fluid magnetization and demagnetizing field arising from spatially varying magnetic particle concentration. Solutions for the problem of particle aggregation due to a single magnetic pole demonstrate that, in high particle concentration, the magnetic field must be calculated self-consistently. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.

Short TitleJournal of Applied Physics