Modeling stability of trapped ferromagnetic nanoparticle chains

TitleModeling stability of trapped ferromagnetic nanoparticle chains
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsO Hovorka, B Yellen, and G Friedman
JournalIntermag 2003 Program of the 2003 Ieee International Magnetics Conference
Pagination2549 - 2551
Date Published01/2003

This work deals with the stability of chains of single domain ferromagnetic particles (FP) inside pores that can be partially filled with material assumed to be a permanent magnet. The main motivation of this work is to understand the possibility of controlling self-assembly of ferromagnetic nanoparticles into nanopores by controlling external uniform magnetic field.

Short TitleIntermag 2003 Program of the 2003 Ieee International Magnetics Conference