Magnetic separation, manipulation and assembly of solid phase in fluids

TitleMagnetic separation, manipulation and assembly of solid phase in fluids
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsG Friedman, and B Yellen
JournalCurrent Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science
Start Page158
Pagination158 - 166
Date Published10/2005

Magnetic separation is part of a vast subject dealing with manipulation of colloidal particles on the basis of their magnetic as well as other types of properties. This paper will review some physical fundamentals of this subject and summarize models of magnetic separation and manipulation that have been developed mostly over the last 30 years. Recent work focusing on the use of micro-systems in separation, manipulation and assembly of non-magnetic colloidal particles in magnetic fluids will be emphasized.

Short TitleCurrent Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science