Imaginary magnetic tweezers for massively parallel surface adhesion spectroscopy.

TitleImaginary magnetic tweezers for massively parallel surface adhesion spectroscopy.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsY Yang, RM Erb, BJ Wiley, S Zauscher, and BB Yellen
JournalNano Letters
Start Page1681
Pagination1681 - 1684
Date Published04/2011

A massively parallel magnetic tweezer system has been constructed that utilizes the self-repulsion of colloidal beads from a planar interface via a magnetic dipole image force. Self-repulsion enables the application of a uniform magnetic force to thousands of beads simultaneously, which permits the measurement of unbinding histograms at the lowest loading rates ever tested. The adhesion of 9.8 μm polystyrene beads to a fluorocarbon, PEG, and UV-irradiated PEG surfaces were measured between 10(-3)-10(0) pN/s force loading rates, revealing the presence of both kinetic and quasi-equilibrium unbinding regimes.

Short TitleNano Letters